Monday, September 13, 2010

8 weeks and 18.4lbs later....

So, the weight is coming off slowly but surely. I am averaging about 2lbs a week, all via diet change and calorie counting. The exercise needs to come along, but I still prefer walking to anything else. The weather is almost to the point where we can start doing this in the evenings again.

The best part of all this has nothing to do with my pants feeling better. Or my sports bras being more comfortable.

It's what my body is doing...

I still inject insulin each night, but I am down to 60 units before bed. This is less than half of what I was taking 2 months ago to control my sugar.

And then you have to throw in the fact that I have managed to ovulate twice now without any progesterone or clomid. That alone is incentive to keep going down this path, and I've already made notes of what I plan to do if we get a positive pregnancy test. Namely, find a dietician and get a meal program in place.

So my weight this morning is officially at 278.6. And for the first time ever my BMI on the Wii Fit is below 50.

Now to just get this whole pregnancy thing jump-started!

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