Sunday, July 5, 2009

Expiration Dates Aren't Always Right....

We have been to more doctors’ appointments in the last 6 weeks than I think in either of our lives.

My Endocrinologist was happy with my last appointment, and promptly told me that the next time she wanted to see me was in July. She also sent me to a podiatrist to have my feet checked.

Let me rewind. I am the typical Pisces, right down to the bad feet problem. This was long before I knew the word “diabetes” and had to remember to think of them. I’ve also suffered from a chronic ingrown toenail for as long as A had known me. I’ve always meant to have it looked at, honest, but I enjoyed not going near a doctor holding sharp objects. But the doctor reminded me that when I did get pregnant the last thing I wanted to do was have to worry about how to contort myself into a position where I could manage my toes.

So I went. And of course there was need to schedule stuff. Both large toes needed help, and I took a day off and let them have at it.

Now, the doctor insisted that there would be no need for pain pills because it would be minor discomfort at most.


I have never actually taken a pain pill before. And I followed the directions for recovery to the letter, resting all day with my feet elevated, napping, and letting A take care of me. Right up until I heard my bladder calling, and that’s when it hurt. Putting weight on my feet hurt so bad I cried. And asked for help.

In October of 2007, A had all 4 wisdom teeth removed and was prescribed Vicodin. Which he didn’t really take, and has been sitting in the cupboard ever since. We checked and the expiration date was May of 2008. I (quite innocently) asked him what would happen by taking an old prescription. He insisted that it may lower the effectiveness, but that would be about it.

The directions on the bottle said to take 1 or 2 as needed for pain every so many hours, and not to exceed a certain amount. I didn’t want to risk 1 not working, so I took 2.

And have never been so high in my life.

Apparently I spent the next 5 hours mumbling, giggling, make odd comments, and zoning out on the couch. I remember none of it. At some point my sister called because my nieces were coming to spend the night. The munchies must have hit because I insisted I needed a Big Mac and fries. When she arrived with them about an hour later they tell me I inhaled everything in less than 5 minutes.

All I remember is sitting up until 2 am watching High School Musical 3 and Twilight. And wanting to sing along to all the songs.

Drugs are bad, m’kay?

My next appointment is just before boarding a plane to Seattle to spend a very long weekend with my best friend. It will be A’s first time to her area, and I think she secretly hopes we decide to move there instead of East. I have promised to keep an open mind about any possibility, but VA is still calling me…..

If everything looks good with my labs next week then project baby commences. I’m crossing my fingers that we are over the only hurdle we’ve had so far and there are no more to come.

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