Monday, July 27, 2009

As long as you make no sudden movements, everything should be fine...

One of the major advantages to PCOS is lack of monthly visitors. I get no real bloating or cramping, and life is pretty normal.

See, one must ovulate in order to get a cycle, and since my system is so screwed up.... Well, unless I fill a prescription to make my body "cleanse" itself, nothing happens. Which sucks when you look at it from the perspective of wanting a baby.

I like to pride myself as not being a bad PMS type. I do get a little crabby, there are some cravings, but A learned early on that when I seemed a little off to give me my space and not make any sudden movements. We've always talked through any issues we've had, so it was easy to just warn him up front about what was coming.

It's been so long since I was caught off guard, and with my mind set to the fact that I was not going to be ovulating on my own, that when the cheese craving hit I didn't realize it.

All I am going to say is that I never missed cramps or bloating or being uncomfortable. Never ever. But this weekend I had to smile.

Because some time in the last 2 weeks I must have ovulated. And I am crossing my fingers it happens again without the need for a doctor.

One can dream, right?

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