Wednesday, September 2, 2009

An Exercise in Time Management

So, last Tuesday was the great Doctor Marathon of 2009.

In my brilliance, I had decided that since we both had follow-ups to do, and the doctor's office was about a 20 minute drive, that all appointments would happen on the same day. Within a 3 hour period.

Now, if I had actually remembered to log everything in my iPhone's calendar this would have been absolute genius.

Notice the "if"?

The Friday before I called the 3 doctors we already had appointments with and noted the times. I then called A's doctor and explained he was due for a follow-up and we had time on Tuesday. They found 1 opening at 10:50 am. I asked if he would need labwork first, and they said they would ask and call him.

I also made sure to leave a message with my endocrinologist about labs as well. She never gave me a slip, which is odd.

A got a call that yes, labs were needed. I never got a call at all.

Saturday morning we reported to the lab at about 9. And waited 45 minutes. While fasting. He was told to do so, I decided to just in case there was a lab order waiting for me.

Then we went and ate the worst possible breakfast ever: A opted for Jack in the Box's Denver Bowl and I had 2 donuts and a dozen donut holes.

I was weak. I'm sorry.

Back to Tuesday....

We left at 8am for A's first appointment of the day: 8:30 with Neurology. We pit-stopped so he could have another of those bowls (he loves ham, I don't, and that's the only place he is getting it) and arrived just in time. For the record, I packed yogurt and graham crackers for the morning. I was still atoning for Saturday.

Now, according to my hasty notes, he had to be at Neurology at 8:30, I had to be at Podiatry at 8:45, then Endocrinology for me at 9:45 and general medicine for Andrew at 10:50. The clinic has 3 floors, and of course we were all over the board, but that's okay. That's why there are elevators.

As A made his way to Neurology on the 2nd floor, I took the elevator down to the 1st floor and walked up to the desk to check in with Podiatry. Only to be told I was an hour early. Because the appointment was not until 9:30.

I immediately chalked this up to just getting the 2 appointments confused, told them I'd be back in 1 hour, and went back to the elevator, heading to the 3rd floor and Endocrinology.

Who informed me my appointment wasn't until 9:45.

And that's when I realized I was going to fail miserably with my little master plan.

I asked the receptionist if there was any way to be seen early, since I was there, if the doctor had a few minutes. She looked over the calendar, called to the back, and then told me that they had a consult to do that morning and the earliest would be my regularly scheduled time.


So I told them I was heading down to wait for my husband and would be back.

I walked on to the elevator, scrambling internally for a way to make this work. Without thinking I pushed the button for the 1st floor and walked out of the elevator only to realize I was back at Podiatry.

Double crap.

After mulling it over, and noticing the older women who volunteer as greeters staring at me, I opted for the stairs.

Yes, people. I climbed the stairs because I was afraid I was making people nervous. Not for health reasons, but purely because I felt like an idiot.

So, alive and breathing on the 2nd floor, I walked all the way to the end of the West wing of the building to park myself in front of neurology for all of 2 minutes when my phone rang.

Caller ID said it was the hospital. Which immediately made me think "the call is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!", had me giggle for a second, and then remember I should answer that.

Remember how I'd just come from Neurology up on the 3rd floor? Well, the doctor finished the consult early and if I could be there ASAP she could see me right away.

I agreed on the phone just as the intercom paged me to return to Endocrinology.

Which led to me climbing the stairs to the 3rd floor. All in the vain hopes to get to that appointment before my husband finished with his just so we were back on schedule and that people wouldn't realize I was the loser being paged by the medical staff to return to Endocrinology

I see it's 8:50, and I jog up to the desk and get ushered right in. Endocrinology is happy with my sugars, still concerned about a couple of things, but all in all she said that as long as I can continue with the progress I have made that pregnancy should not be a problem. Can you give me an AMEN?!?!?!

(I knew you could!)

Just as I think that I am about to begin tap-dancing on the little table she asks about my lab work.

My wha?

Since she forgot to note the request in the system prior to the visit she decides she like me to go ahead and get lab work done that morning while I am in the building. It doesn't have to be fasting, just whenever I am done with everything else.

By the way, I did mention very proudly that my period came in July all by itself, just like a good cycle should. She was happy about this, saying again that I was on the right track, and that's when we got to talking about diet and exercise. (see yesterday's post)

Finally finished, I head to the lobby area and there is A with a plastic bag. Before he has a chance to say anything I make a beeline for the lobby area kitty corner to Endocrinology: Obstetrics and Gynecology. In less than 5 minutes I have a very detailed message left for my doctor where I pretty much demand drugs to get pregnant. But in a very nice and uplifting manner.

Then I check the time and realize I have 2 minutes to get back to Podiatry.

So we both head to the 1st floor, the receptionist there recognizes me and asks if I am there for real. I confirm and sit down. This appointment starts 5 minutes late, I sit in the exam room for 10 minutes, only to have the doctor look at my toes for 2 minutes and ask me how I want to proceed. I tell her my plan, she says sounds good, and I am off the hook until I am ready for the next procedure on my feet. (Nothing bad, just making sure that everything continues to look clean!)

Back outside, A and I finally get to chat about his appointment while heading back to the 2nd floor so the vampires in the lab can drain me and he can meet with his general doctor.

A was referred to Neurology because of migraines. Neurology prescribed a generic drug, which unfortunately did not work much better than Excedrin migraine. This follow-up was to see how things were going, and when A informed the doctor of this he became concerned. Until he checked the system.

Apparently the wrong dosage was requested. My husband was prescribed 50% of the normal dosage for someone of his size.


So, that prescription was corrected, and on top of that they looted the free sample drawer of the better drugs. The doctor wants him to test out the drugs before prescribing something to save a little money. He has also offered to prescribe a painkiller to go with the migraine medicine if he thinkg he will need it.

I am in love with his Neurologist.

As we round the corner on the 2nd floor we see the line for the lab. Which is making the trip on Saturday seem like a picnic.

And this is where we part. Me to wait, him to get down the hall to his doctor and register. This is also where I pull out my Nintendo DS to play Mario Kart while waiting.

Nintendo will be present in my delivery room. Trust me.

So, blood gets drawn, A gets the most glowing praise from his doctor about improvements in all his lab work and to come back in 6 months to be checked again, and exactly 3 hours from the time we parked we walk out the doors of the medical facility.

I do want to note that we have other follow up appointments already scheduled.

And as we scheduled them at the receptionist desks I pulled out the iPhone and added them to the calendar. Just so we get things right next time...

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